Monday, September 6, 2010

Update on the boys.

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted. The boys have both seen a psychologist and although they are on the Autism spectrum, she didn't want to give them the diagnosis of "Autistic", but diagnosed them as PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder, which is a high-functioning form of Autism. The boys have been in an Early Intervention program, where someone would come to the house about once a week to work on them. Their provider's name was Kim McQueen and she was AWESOME with them!! They really bonded with her and she helped give us so many ways to help them on our own. Then, a couple of months ago, someone else started coming. It turned out Kim was fired. I contacted her and it had something to do with a mistake she made on her mileage report. She was 80-something cents off, and they fired her for it. We had to request a new provider because "Daphne" didn't have any experience with twins, and it was obvious. We requested someone with experience with twins, so they sent Trina. She wasn't much better than Daphne and I kept having to tell her what Kim did that worked. Each visit became more and more frustrating. Then I asked her when the last time she had worked with twins. Well, it turned out that she had NEVER worked with twins, and that she was actually NEW to this field of study! So, I decided, that if I had to tell Trina how to do her job, and that since Kim gave us enough tips to work with the boys on their own....AND that since the boys really had progressed SO MUCH during Kim's care...that we could do this on our own and I dropped the boys from the program. If we can ever afford it (and if I feel it's needed), I will pay Kim to come on occasion to work with us. Until then, they are talking, signing and doing really well. Their only issue, right now, is behavioral. They throw these horrible temper tantrums (mostly Jesse), where they hurt themselves. I've talked to Kim and she has given us pointers on how to deal with those, and so far, they seem to be working.....slowly, but surely.